We kept waiting for something new to happen before posting anything. Nothing exciting happened except for life. Life happened...and it keeps on happening.
Anna and Caden have both experienced something that I, Kim, have not.

In April, while Mike was away job hunting in Utah, Caden was jumping and playing on the bed. I now know where the "10 Little Monkeys" came from. Caden fell off the bed and broke both bones in his wrist. Poor child. I had to hide the pink wrap material so he wouldn't choose pink for his cast.
Then last month I went to check on the children before I retired for the evening. (Please note that I ran an errand and so Mike put the kids to bed.) I noticed that Anna's eye had a slight cut... and a little puffy... DOES SHE HAVE A BLACK EYE????! I stormed upstairs and asked Mike what happened to Anna. He started laughing and said that he forgot to tell me (uh, yeah!) that while jumping on the trampoline before bedtime, Anna's eye and his knee met. My poor child.